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备注:BD高清中字 共96分钟
类型:恐怖片 恐怖  
导演:Rico  Maria  Ilarde  
主演:Shaina Magdayao  Maja Salvador  Jake Cuenca  Geoff Eigenmann  Marco Alcaraz  John Lloyd Cruz  John Estrada  
剧情:How come people who..展开
剧情:How come people who go there are never seen again? Does the villa "eat" people ..展开
剧情:How come people who go there are never seen again? Does the villa "eat" people alive? The movie tells the story of Ana who has always been having nightmares about certain people getting killed3e of Madre Na Aswang. Things become scarier when her ex-boyfriend brings her to Villa Estrella where she meets a girl named Gisele who seems to be very familiar to her.本站提供的《星级别墅》在线观看地址以及星级别墅下载地址来源于互联网。本站并不参与录制和制作,仅提供资源引用和分享,如果本站提供星级别墅资源对贵方造成了损失或侵犯了贵方权益,请及时发送邮箱给管理员,我们将在48小时之内撤销有关《星级别墅》所有内容。收起
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