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备注:BD中字 共60分钟
类型:纪录片 纪录片  
剧情:This is the story o..展开
剧情:This is the story of how our solar system will be transformed by the aging sun ..展开
剧情:This is the story of how our solar system will be transformed by the aging sun before coming to a spectacular end in about eight billion years. Astronomers can peer into the far future to predict how it will happen by analysing distant galaxies, stars and even planets in their final moments. In this film, Horizon brings these predictions to life in a peaceful midwestern town that has a giant scale model of the solar system spread out all over the city. As it ages, the sun will bloat into a red giant star, swallowing planets... as well as half the town. The fate of the Earth itself hangs in the balance. How will the solar system end?本站提供的《BBC地平线.太阳系的结局》在线观看地址以及BBC地平线.太阳系的结局下载地址来源于互联网。本站并不参与录制和制作,仅提供资源引用和分享,如果本站提供BBC地平线.太阳系的结局资源对贵方造成了损失或侵犯了贵方权益,请及时发送邮箱给管理员,我们将在48小时之内撤销有关《BBC地平线.太阳系的结局》所有内容。收起
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